Genes Matter

How genetics can help improve the quality of your life

Posts filtered by Health care

Aging and telomeres

There is still much to be known about the processes involved in aging. External factors such as smoking, stress or poor diet can accelerate aging, however, there are also endogenous processes that play an important role, among which telomere shortening has become one of the most studied factors. What are telomeres? Telomeres are the regions […]

Non-coding DNA: More than Genetic ‘Junk’

The Human Genome Project has enabled the development of important advances in the area of genetics. One of the most relevant milestones was the discovery that, of a person’s total genetic information, only 1 to 2% is responsible for coding for protein synthesis. Since the remaining 98% does not contain coding information, it has long […]

Genetic Counseling in the progress of modern medicine

The National Society of Genetic Counselors of America (NSGC) defines genetic counseling as the “process of helping individuals understand and adapt to the medical, psychological and familial implications of genetic contribution to disease”. During this process, the professional will seek to interpret in depth the most relevant genetic traits and convey the information in a […]

The importance of using facial sunscreen

While it is true that summer is when radiation is most intense, the face is also exposed to sunlight during spring, autumn and winter, which is why it is important to always protect it. Not doing so can have consequences for the health of your skin, as we are going to explain in this article. […]

Yolanda’s story: learn so you can prevent

We want to emphasise how important prevention is as a tool in the fight against cancer, sharing Yolanda’s story with you, her experience is a perfect example of preventative medicine. “My name is Yolanda, I am 46 years old, I am married with 2 sons, who are 10 and 12. Thankfully my parents are alive […]

Discover the preventive and personalised medicine of the 21st Century

As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. This is the exact approach that preventive medicine takes for healthy people. It seeks to optimise strategies forpreserving and promoting good health, preventing disease and facilitating early diagnosis and treatment. Historically, patients have been treated according to their clinical signs and symptoms, irrespective of their personal […]