Genes Matter

How genetics can help improve the quality of your life

Genetic diagnosis in adulthood

10 minutos

DNA contains all the instructions for the correct functioning of the organism, so it is logical to think that genetics plays a fundamental role in people’s health. As knowledge in genetics has advanced, the underlying causes and mechanisms of many diseases have been identified and, in some cases, this has made it possible to establish […]

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Medication allergies, why do they occur?

19 minutos

Medication allergies are an adverse reaction of the immune system caused by taking a specific drug, and sometimes this reaction can be serious. Although any drug can cause an allergy, some do so more frequently than others. In this post, we provide you with more information about allergies to medication and we give you insight about […]

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The probability of having a boy or a girl according to genetics

18 minutos

Did you know that the probability of having a boy or a girl is determined by genetics? After all, foetal sex depends on whether the sperm cell carries an X or Y sex chromosome. Do you want to know why? It’s all in this article, where we also talk to you about the new methods for […]

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